The Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme Phase 2 or ESOS phase 2 as it is commonly known, is well underway for qualifying UK companies.
After the successful completion of ESOS phase 1, many large UK companies who meet the qualifying criteria are now facing the 2nd phase of ESOS.
The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme is a mandatory EU directive. Qualifying organisations must achieve compliance ever 4 years.
The Phase 1 deadline was 5th December 2015, which means that we are now fast approaching the phase 2 deadline of 5th December 2019.
Efficiency Direct have qualified ESOS lead assessors who have already started assisting UK companies on their mission to achieve ESOS phase 2 compliance.
What are the differences between ESOS phase 1 and phase 2?
To achieve compliance for ESOS Phase 2, UK companies must carry out a compliant ESOS assessment, which includes site audits/surveys and quantifying energy use over a 12 month period.
My organisation qualifies for ESOS Phase 2, what should I be doing?
UK companies should be preparing now to avoid the last minute rush for compliance.
You can appoint an ESOS Lead Assessor now.
You can get energy site surveys and energy audits of premises undertaken now.
You can start collecting details of business energy use in the form of energy bills, supplier invoices, half-hourly data, meter reads, spread sheets, transport data etc.
For more information call us today on 01273 455 664.