About the service
Our energy and carbon reports are an extremely useful tool of monitoring business energy consumption and can be used to help businesses achieve industry standards such as the Carbon Trust Standard and ISO 50001 as well as achieve mandatory compliance such as the Energy savings opportunity Scheme (ESOS) and Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR), or simply getting to grips with your business energy usage and Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.
Energy reporting is vital to any business energy management system. Regular energy reporting is an extremely effective tool in identifying potential energy savings, improving business energy efficiency and understand the carbon impact of your business.
Energy reporting is most effective when accurate half-hourly energy data is available. Typically, energy reports can simply summarise electric, gas and water consumption enabling businesses to see how much energy is being consumed within their buildings and properties each calendar month. Alternatively, business energy consumption reports can be more detailed, breaking down the electric, gas and water usage to identify how, where an when the energy is being used.
If there are sub meters installed within the building, energy reports can include analysis of their energy usage. The reports can then include information about where the energy is being consumed and which areas are the highest energy users.
One key element to our energy reports is the energy savings recommendations section. Each energy report will identify areas of energy waste and highlight potential energy saving opportunities and energy saving initiatives to help improve business energy efficiency.
We offer bespoke energy reports which can be produced for individual buildings or an business’s entire portfolio of properties.