ESOS Lead Assessors

Key Benefits

About ESOS

Qualified ESOS Lead Assessors

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form

Carrying out ESOS audits

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form

Identify energy saving opportunities

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form

Identifying qualifying businesses

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form

Guide businesses to ESOS complaince

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form

About the service

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is the UK’s interpretation of the EU legislation that has been drafted to encourage energy saving in qualifying businesses.

ESOS Lead Assessors pay a pivotal role within the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme. With over 9,000 UK businesses reportedly qualifying for the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme, the business sector range is vast, which is why appointing the right ESOS Lead Assessor is vital.

At the heart of each ESOS assessment is the ESOS Lead Assessor (LA). The ESOS Lead Assessor is the focal point for the delivery of the compliant system.

Efficiency Direct’s consultants are qualified ESOS Lead Assessors and are available to provide ESOS audits and assessments.

 In many instances, the ESOS Lead Assessor will do most of the work themselves although in specialist areas they can call upon other resources to support them. Our qualified ESOS Lead Assessors can be found on the EMA’s Lead Assessor Register.

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Our ESOS Lead Assessors

With years of experience as a sea-going and building services engineers, our ESOS Lead Assessors have the auditing skills required to assess a very wide range of sectors.

Our ESOS Lead Assessors areas of specialism include energy management, metering and monitoring within commercial offices and industrial processes.

Chris Scriven, Managing Director of Efficiency Direct Ltd qualified as one of the first ESOS Lead Assessors under the Energy Managers Association register.

Chris, who has a wealth of experience carrying out independent energy surveys, underwent his ESOS Lead Assessor training course with the EMA in November 2014. As a result, he became a qualified ESOS Lead Assessor shortly after. Chris can be found on the EMA’s Lead Assessor Register.

Our ESOS Lead Assessors act as the main point of contact for clients going through the compliance process. With their engineering background they are able to take a hands-on approach to carrying out ESOS audits. Following the audit, they will identify energy saving opportunities and present the findings in a post survey brief.  

With the first ESOS compliance deadline on the 5th December 2015, we urge businesses to get in touch with us as early as possible. The penalty for non-compliance, enforced by the Environment Agency, is published as a maximum of £90,000 (£50,000 on non-compliance and an additional £500 per day until compliance is achieved (to a maximum of 80 days).

If you are interested in finding out how our ESOS Lead Assessor team can help your business achieve ESOS compliance, call us today on 01273 455 664.

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Efficiency Direct are currently seeking an ESOS Surveyor. See our recruitment page for more information.

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