The MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number) is a unique number for the supply and is usually found on the electricity bill issued by your supplier.
The full MPAN is 21 digits in length and should be printed in the format below on a recent electricity bill.
The Profile Class is very relevant to the expected usage pattern and is loosely defined thus:
- 00 Larger customer, over 100kW
- 01 and 02 Domestic customers
- 03 to 08 Non-domestic customers
The energy meter type is determined by the supply requirements; the larger customers who have a “00” MPAN prefix have meters that will give half hour data. This is where the day is divided into 48 half hour periods and the meter records how many kWh units are used in each period.
The distributor ID numbers are allocated to these companies:
- 10 – Eastern Electricity
- 11 – East Midlands Electricity
- 12 – London Electricity
- 13 – MANWEB
- 14 – Midlands Electricity
- 15 – Northern Electricity
- 16 – NORWEB
- 17 – Scottish Hydro-Electric
- 18 – Scottish Power
- 19 – Seeboard
- 20 – Southern Electricity
- 21 – SWALEC
- 22 – SWEB
- 23 – Yorkshire Electricity