About ESOS
The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is the UK’s interpretation of the EU legislation that has been drafted to encourage energy saving in qualifying businesses.
The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme is a mandatory requirement for all UK businesses with:
- 250+ employees
- or
- a turnover in excess of £38,937,777 and an annual balance sheet totaling more than £33,486,489
Organisations qualifying for ESOS must achieve compliance or they could face a non-compliance penalty of £50,000. Qualifying organisation must achieve compliance every four years
Energy Saving Opportunity ESOS Assessments
ESOS assessments are carried out by Efficiency Direct’s qualified ESOS Lead Assessors and are available to provide step by step guidance to achieving ESOS compliance.
Our ESOS assessors have already assisted a number of UK businesses to achieve ESOS compliance. These include restaurant chains, petrol stations, garden centers, care homes and a power station, among others. Examples of our ESOS projects can be found on our Case Studies page.
Initially, we will appoint you with a qualified ESOS Lead Assessor who will guide you through the process. Your ESOS Assessor will manage your company’s ESOS assessment from start to finish, whilst offering support and guidance to help you through the compliance process.
Efficiency Direct will assess your companies requirements; identifying whether ESOS surveys need to be carried out on-site, collect and analyse your organisations energy data and bills.
Once the necessary information has been collected and site surveys have been carried out, the appointed ESOS assessor will compile a comprehensive report which will outline the findings and identify business energy savings opportunities along with costs and pay-back periods.
The final steps involve compiling the final ESOS assessment report and evidence pack and obtaining sign-off from a company Director to certify that they acknowledge the business energy saving opportunities and recommendations that have been identified.
Efficiency Direct can also offer guidance when it comes to lodging compliance on the Environment Agency’s online portal. Call us today to speak to one of our ESOS Lead Assessors.